Credit and your Car Loan

Your credit score determines your creditworthiness. Unless you are buying your car for cash, you must know your score before you go to a dealership to look for a car.
A score of 720 or above is considered excellent. With this high a score any dealership will put you into the car you want today.
Most lending institutions consider a score 620 or less as sub prime. A sub prime loan simply means that you can get a loan, but will most likely have to pay a bit higher interest rate. It is the lack of sub prime loans today that is causing trouble in the housing market and that in turn effects the automotive marke.
If your credit score is below 550 the chances of getting a loan are very poor. Our advice at CarloanASAP is to clean up your credit, get it over 600, this will make it much easier to find a loan for the car you need.This one is big. How timely have you made payments, the amount you owe creditors, if you have made payments late are all part of your credit history. If you improve these factors you will improve your credit scores.
Outstanding balances. Owing a lot on many accounts doesn’t always hurt your score, but if you’re at or near your limit on your credit cards your score will be affected. Try not to max out your credit cards.
Credit history. If you’re just starting to build a credit history, there’s not much you can do to improve your standing.Owing a lot on many accounts doesn’t always hurt your score, but if you’re at or near your limit on your credit cards your score will be affected. Try not to max out your credit cards.If you’re just starting to build a credit history, there’s not much you can do to improve your standing.What matters is your personal mix of installment loans, mortgages, retail accounts, credit card and finance company accounts. Paying off a credit card is one thing, but lending institutions look at how you pay off larger purchases. As silly as it sounds having a great credit score with no major purchases will hurt your chances of getting a better interest rate.


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